FIREWORKS - New State Law (Effective 7/1/2022) - fireworks remains ILLEGAL under local ordinance
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The Village of Newtown, Ohio Police Department

Our ten sworn Police Offi­cers and civilian support staff are here to serve the citizens of our community.

We build pro­grams and peo­ple that sup­port our Com­mu­nity Ori­ented Pub­lic Safety (COPS) phi­los­o­phy. This means that all of our actions are directed at mak­ing the Vil­lage of New­town a safe and enjoy­able place to live where cit­i­zens and vis­i­tors feel that they are part­ners with the Police Depart­ment and that they can come to us with any ques­tion, con­cern, or issue. The pri­mary pur­pose of this part­ner­ship is to pre­vent crim­i­nal and safety related prob­lems from occur­ring.

Mes­sage From The Chief

Wel­come to the New­town Police Depart­ment web site. I hope you will find our web site to be infor­ma­tive and help­ful. Whether you are check­ing crime stats, or “just check­ing out” your local police depart­ment, we have what you are look­ing for.

The New­town Police Depart­ment is made up of ded­i­cated pro­fes­sional men and women who rally around one goal: “to assure each cit­i­zen the oppor­tu­nity to enjoy life in peace and free from crim­i­nal acts”.  That is our mis­sion. In car­ry­ing out this goal we real­ize we can’t do it alone; there­fore, we forge part­ner­ships with our res­i­dents, our busi­nesses and our schools to make our vil­lage safe.

We are ded­i­cated to our ser­vice and our work is steered by our motto — Salus pop­uli suprema lex esto - “The wel­fare of the peo­ple shall be the supreme law”. It is our peo­ple that makes us dif­fer­ent. We hold high stan­dards and work hard to pro­vide the high­est level of qual­ity ser­vice to our com­mu­nity. We value our per­son­nel and their con­tri­bu­tions to our work. We pride our­selves on being coop­er­a­tive with other law enforce­ment agen­cies, and work hard to main­tain pos­i­tive ties with our cit­i­zens and guests.

We are also involved in numer­ous Mutual Aid part­ner­ships with our area law enforce­ment part­ners. We are proud mem­bers of the Hamil­ton County Police Asso­ci­a­tion (HCPA), Hamilton County Asso­ci­a­tion of Chiefs of Police, HCPA SWAT, Hamil­ton County Heroin Coalition/Task Force, and Fra­ter­nal Order of Police (FOP). We are commit­ted to these partner­ships because they help us pro­vide the best, most effi­cient and pro­fes­sional ser­vice to our com­mu­nity.

Should a res­i­dent need a police offi­cer for any rea­son, whether a sim­ple ser­vice call or an emer­gency, please call 911. Many peo­ple are reluc­tant to call 911 not want­ing to bother emer­gency personnel for sim­ple ser­vice calls such as bark­ing dogs, park­ing com­plaints or loud music, please do not hes­i­tate to call the Hamil­ton County Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Cen­ter at 513−825−2280 or the PD non-emergency num­ber at 513−561−7697.

Thomas Synan Jr.
Chief of Police