October 31 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Halloween will be observed in the Village of Newtown from 6-8pm. Call Town Hall 513.561.7097 for more information.
Keep these tips in mind as your kids haunt the neighborhood:
Accompany children (or send an older sibling) and make sure they don’t enter anyone’s home without your permission.
Use makeup instead of a mask so your child’s view is not obstructed.
Map out a trick-or-treat route for your children to follow.
Make sure kids cross only at corners — and look in all directions first. Remind them to use sidewalks or walk facing traffic so approaching cars can be seen.
Caution them against crossing the street between parked cars, where driver’s can’t see them.
Warn children not to eat any goodies until you’ve had a chance to inspect them. When in doubt, throw it out.