Newtown Fill Update

Statement from Mayor Kobasuk – statement has been reviewed by Hamilton County Public Health, the regulator of the landfill.  8/20/2019


Newtown Fill


Newtown Fill is a construction and demolition debris (“C&DD”) landfill regulated by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (“OEPA”) and Hamilton County Public Health.  Newtown Fill is defined as 39.92 acres in the Village of Newtown.  An annual license to operate is required to construct and operate a C&DD landfill in Ohio.  Newtown Fill’s 2019 license signed by the Health Commissioner for Hamilton County is attached.

C&DD landfills receive materials resulting from the construction or demolition of man-made structures.  C&DD does not include any material that is a hazardous waste, infectious waste or material removed from the structure prior to demolition.  C&DD does not include any solid waste other than specifically allowed in law and rule.

The final grade of Newtown Fill including capping is set at the elevation of 596 feet.  The elevation of the roadway at Little Dry Run is 542 feet, so Newtown Fill can be approximately 54 feet above the roadway at an interior point approximately 215 feet from the base of the landfill.  Newtown Fill is approved for a 4:1 slope, which means for every one foot of elevation there are four feet of horizontal distance.  A 2017 survey showed the current grade at approximately 576 feet, which means that Newtown Fill had at that time the ability to place up to 18 feet of additional debris (followed by 2-foot cap) onto the property before it reached its maximum height restrictions. Additional debris and soil have been placed since the 2017 survey, so actual remaining height is less than 18 feet.  A survey of Newtown Fill is required in 2019 and the survey must be submitted prior to or with the 2020 license application.

Newtown Fill has recently removed some trees and vegetation along SR32.  Newtown Fill is clearing some of the vegetation on its property in order to survey the final grade and slope so it can cover the south side of the landfill with dirt.  According to Hamilton County Public Health, the operator has indicated that much of the south side of Newtown Fill along SR 32 should be covered with dirt by the end of the summer.

The Village’s understanding from Hamilton County Public Health is that Newtown Fill is operating in compliance with the rules and regulations for C&DD landfills.

The current Village of Newtown Zoning Code does not permit landfills.  Newtown Fill dates back several decades and is considered a legally non-conforming use and is permitted to operate.

Attached is a 2019 presentation to the Village by Hamilton County Public Health regarding C&DD landfills.  The presentation depicts a covered C&DD landfill.

Questions on Newtown Fill should be directed to Hamilton County Public Health at (513) 946-7879.


Newtown Landfill C&DD Landfills 4-9-19.pdf 1pp